Saturday, 19 July 2014

The Liebster Blog Award (part 2)

Here are my 11 questions for my nominees:

  • A dude walks up to you and gives you $600 and runs away. What would you do?
  • If you had to pick between super speed or super strength, which would you choose?
  • If today was your last day on planet earth before you would be shipped off to live on another amazing planet for the rest of your life, what would you do on your last day? (and let's say you had infinite amount of money)
  • Which two colours would you say describes your personality best?
  • What is your favorite kind of movie genre?
  • What is the most adorable thing you have ever seen in your entire life?
  • Would you prefer handling babies, toddlers or little kids?
  • Do you have a nickname among your friends?
  • If you could carve something for your relative or a friend or a significant other on their birthday on the moon, what would it be? (pictures and words included)
  • If you would have to smell like a fruit for an entire day, what would it be?
  • Which of these pranks would you pick on April fools day: make the victim sit on a chair with a pie on it or paint clown makeup on the victim's face before they wake up which will stay on them for the entire day.

The Liebster Blog Award...

Author's Note: Okay...
I do not know how in God's great wide universe did I end up being nominated for a fudgin' award,
but I guess it did!
Apparently my friend nominated me because I have a shot and so...
What the heck? I'll give it one.

Unfortunately, I shall have to go through the toe-curling and oh-so painful process of explaining the rules and whatnot:

The Rules are:

1. Post 11 facts about yourself.3. Nominate 5 - 11 bloggers 4. Tell the nominees you've nominated them (through email, comments and...I don't know, just find a way...FIND A WAY BACK INTO LOVE~)5. You can't nominate someone that has already been nominated2. Answer the 11 questions that the nominator gave you

So...My 11 Factos!


I have a stuffed Enderman named Stevie! (Pronounced Sh - Tee - Vee) 

I have a special pocket on the front of a paticular shirt where I can sometimes plonk him whenever I wonder around the house or simply watch TV.


I can speak at least two words or more in Japanese, Russian, Swahili, Spanish, Mandarin, Portugese, German, Malaysian, Italian and Latin.

(I would also say Arabic, French and English, but I'm sort of fluent in those already.)


I wrestled a toy lobster when I was 6 and that was when I got my first paper cut.
I call it the "Battle of IKEA" since that is where it took place and what a glorious battle it was!
Blows were traded, blood was shed, fists were flying and needless to say that in the end, the best...uh...female won! (I'm assuming it was a woman anyways, it did say 'Susan' on the label. Besides, I have yet to meet a man called 'Susan' and if I did...that would be awesome.)


Although I did end up crying for my mum for a plaster...


My favorite snack to eat when I have nothing left to cook in the cabinets is:

Crackers and Custard!

I don't mind the flavor of the custard (but it obviously has to taste nice!), so long as the crackers are of sufficient enough quality for my pompous taste buds.


I cosplay as anime characters when I go to Comic Con (excluding my first Comic Con when I went as Batman...*shudder*...that was a horrible costume).


I do it because it's fun and...well, let's face it folks: this is Comic Con! If you don't dress up, you will feel like a soulless outsider.


I like to listen to Al Yankovic.

For those of you who will instantly hate me because of this, I'm going to go ahead and assume that half of you are the Lady Gaga fans who got offended by Al's parody: "Perform This Way" and say:

αριθμός επτά:

Every 6 months, I have a craving to watch British comedy shows.


Don't ask me why, I just do.

νούμερο οκτώ:

My favorite type of cat of all time is the Ragamuffin

I dare you to tell me that you wouldn't want to scoop that up and give it a great big cuddle!

номер девять:

When I get bored in class, I sometimes imagine the teachers wearing ridiculous wigs while they are still writing on the board or giving us lectures.
Unfortunately, I cannot control the grins that pop up when I do which make the teachers suspicious and then they end up keeping an eye on me for the rest of the lesson.


That or they just assume that I am a little insane and they wouldn't be wrong to assume so.

Number Ten:

...Did I forget to mention that I am a Brony?

And now! For the 11 questions from my dear friend "Jessops98.blogspot":
(I realised that I spent a lot of font detail and description on my 11 facts, so now I'll relieve the amount of text for you people and try to keep the following answers short.)

1. If you had a super power, what would it be?

In terms of what would suit me most...probably telepathy. And by that, I mean reading people's thoughts and finding out everything about them by running through their brains!
That sounded less weird in my head. But I would respect people's privacy!
In terms of what I want as a super power, freezing time would be awesome. Imagine the amount of cool things you can do with that?!

2. If someone said to you ditch all of your friends and you'll become famous, would you?

I'd shove mustard down their ears with a tooth brush for even suggesting that to me and then kick them out of the country.

3. If you could choose which age to stop aging at, what would it be?


I'd probably pick 37. Because if you think about it, you'd be old enough to look like you have some wisdom to people and you'd still retain some of your good looks for...I don't know, whenever the situation arises for you to use 'em?

4. Which movie best describes your life?


I would say how the character that would be closest to how I was in my life so far is Bruce Banner, but I want to avoid sparking the anger of my insane fangirl friends who would shoot me for even associating myself to the awesomeness that is Bruce Banner.

5. Who is your favorite person in the world?


6. Are you a converse or a vans person?

Bandannas are my jam for the time being.

7. Can you do weird tricks with your body? If so, what?

I can miraculously trip on my own toes and fall into a face plant if that's what you would call a weird trick.

8. If you were to swap bodies with someone, who would it be?

I am going to creep out a lot of people by saying this, but probably a football player in fc Barcelona.

Think about it: They are very successful; their hobby is also their job; they're also very good at it (well, maybe some of them. I'm not up to date with football.) and they're very healthy and fit!

And honestly, no longer being a hormonal teenage female would be a HUGE relief to me.

9. What was your first word?

Surprisingly, the first time I ever spoke was when I sang along with my mum when she was singing a lullaby. 

But I can't remember the lyrics and neither can my mum.

10. Where do you think you would fit in the stereotypical American High school?

Probably with the nerds/geeks or the gamers or the techies.

11. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for? And why?

A) To know about everything and everyone in our solar system. Just to ensure that I become very successful in life. Totally not for blackmail material. Nope.

B) To be able to control when I can feel physical pain. That way I won't be as scared when I go for operations...or trips to the dentist.

C) To have infinite amount of wishes.

Need I clarify as to why I would wish that?

I nominate:

  • Woggzeh's World - woggzehsblog.blogspot
  • Our Adventures from Bigger Sky Country - billyshercarpenter.blogspot
  • Lists from a girl - listsfromacollegegirl.blogspot
  • Mo - randomest.blogspot
  • Earlene's Thoughts - earlenemayulrich.blogspot
11 questions will be in part 2