Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Things That Bug Me The Most: Part 2 ... (again, not in any particular order)

3. Annoying People in the Cinema...

Okay, I'm sure you've probably heard this one so many times from angry friends, complaining relatives or whomever; but this was just something I could NOT leave out on my pet peeves list.

If you're a cinephile like me, (a person who is fond of motion pictures and loves going to the cinema) then I'm sure you would agree when I say that any movie that I watch at the cinema, I would like to watch it in the most silent, comfortable atmosphere possible. And I say 'most silent' because you all know that the day when a completely silent atmosphere in the cinema is possible is the day that David Niven is revived as a woman with a pink Afro (unless you've watched the old Pink Panther or Agatha Christie movies, I doubt you'd know who he is without googling him) . 

Let's be honest, there will ALWAYS be that one person, group or pair of people who munch really loud on their popcorn, slurp their drinks when it's nearly finished, momentarily start kicking the back of your seat and so on. THOSE things I don't mind, because it'll only bug me for a millisecond before I tune it out and just focus on the movie. 

But recently this year, I went to watch Robocop in 3D. The cinema was rather empty (not surprised, it wasn't that good of a movie anyway...) so I picked a rather high spot up top, put down my popcorn, got ready for the movie and all that jazz. When I sat down, I noticed a rather obese couple right in front of me with large buckets of popcorn. So yeah, I was definitely prepared for a rather noisy evening. What I WASN'T prepared for, was for this to happen:

The man's phone went off halfway through the movie and he suddenly stood up to answer it. 

Now, I'll be blunt, if it was a much more...skinnier...dude who stood up and blocked the screen, then that is fine! Because he would only take up a third or a quarter of the screen maximum and I would let it slide, because I could still tell what is happening from the other three quarters and he would eventually go down.

But that man was right in front of me and he wasn't skinny, so I wasn't able to see CRAP! I tapped him and asked him if he could sit back down. He held up a finger as if to say 'give me a mo' and continued speaking. 

So I waited...but it certainly wasn't for a mo! And I was getting really annoyed because he made me miss an entire scene waiting for him and what was even worse was that he was just chatting away and laughing VERY LOUDLY on the phone! 

By now, I was ready to bust a

up that guys butt, but I didn't want to make the cinema room anymore louder than it already was! So this time I threw...I think it was 3 or 4? ... bits of popcorn at him, which got his attention instantly.

After taking a moment or two to try and not laugh when he pulled this face at me (and believe me, it took a lot of will power) :

What is wrong with you?!

I asked him again if he could please sit and quite down (I might have not said it as politely as that). The dude gave out an exasperated sigh (not the really annoyed kind of sighs, more like the exaggerated 'ohmigerd' bimbo sighs) and then just left the cinema room and didn't come back 'till the movie was near the end!

Now, I would rant on some more about the other stupid things people do in the cinema (like how they keep asking about what is happening when they can't even be bothered to watch the flippin' movie, or when somebody keeps a very bright mobile screen on for the entire movie) but this rant is long enough as it is and I don't want to cut the next one short.

Basically, annoying chatty people + bright mobile screens + me missing half the movie =

4. Angry Hypocritical Teachers...

Before someone reads this and starts to accuse me of being too judgmental on teachers, let me stop you right there and point out a few things:

I get that some teachers deserve respect from their students and that they believe they've earned it because they got this job, they probably worked hard for it and they're the ones who graduated from university. And yes, I also understand that they are human and that they're paid to teach, not to be honest angels. 

But I've never met a single person my age who never had a teacher at some point in their life who was a downright angry witch or mean devil (depending on the gender). 

I've had some angry witches in my time who got out of their way to make my (and other students') life in school a living hell, but what annoyed me the most was when (for example) they would see a girl walk into the classroom with a skirt that didn't go below her knees (keep in mind this is the first and last time she ever did this) and they would go CRAZY! 

And by 'Crazy' I don't mean 'coo coo for coco puffs', I mean they would act so mad that you wait for their heads to go:

So they would yell at said student for god knows how long, humiliate her in front of the class and as an extra bonus throw in some mean words here and there. And when they stand up to take the student to the principles office, you can't help but stare at the teacher with a 'what the flip is wrong with you' look when you see her wearing an even SHORTER skirt/shorts than the student!

You might be shaking your heads right now and think that I'm exaggerating, but I can assure you, I've seen teachers with skirt sizes that would make 70 year old men blush!

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