Author's Note: So I've basically been viewing other blogs, then viewed mine and realized that...other than the short stories, most of my blog posts are either me ranting or listing things I hate! And I just thought 'Woow...I'm starting to sound like a PMS-ing female version of Raphael (from TMNT) at this rate...' So yeah, I just thought that since I can list things I hate very efficiently, I figured I can list a few things I like with equal eloquence...
1. Anime and Manga...
Before I go on with this, let me clarify I'm not any of the following:
A) Those retarded fangirls who would only read the manga because there are hot guys in it.
B) Those retarded girls who only read it to impress guys or gain popularity.
C) Those extremist anime/manga fans who if they find someone within the vicinity and have no knowledge of anime/manga, will shoot at them.
D) Another whole level of extremist fangirls who have no life and waste it on worshiping anime/manga like it's a religion.
So now that we have that out of the way, let me clarify:
I lived in a childhood where we weren't able to watch cartoon network on TV, so all we had was a cartoon channel that was only able to afford cheap old anime series and that was basically all we were able to watch until later on when I was introduced to other cool channels like:
(yes, I get that this is drawn in the style of anime, but it doesn't count since it wasn't made by a Japanese anime/manga corporation)

But I still liked anime and manga and liked to draw it from time to time. It's sorta like Disney! When you watch the movies later on when your older and you're inclined to dislike some of the movies because they're not that good when you re-watch them or maybe you think there's some bad message in it for the kids, you just can't do it! Because it's already a part of your childhood and it brings you back good memories of family and friends!
That's what anime/manga is to me in a weird sort of way I guess? Except we were also able to watch Disney on VCR, so we weren't THAT much deprived (You can thank five childhood years of Mulan, the Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Tarzan, Lion King and Treasure Planet for not turning me into a COMPLETE annoying anime/manga fangirl)
But I would pick Manga over Anime any day since some of the japanese animation is pretty crappy.
(to be continued in part 2)
B) Those retarded girls who only read it to impress guys or gain popularity.
C) Those extremist anime/manga fans who if they find someone within the vicinity and have no knowledge of anime/manga, will shoot at them.
D) Another whole level of extremist fangirls who have no life and waste it on worshiping anime/manga like it's a religion.
So now that we have that out of the way, let me clarify:
I lived in a childhood where we weren't able to watch cartoon network on TV, so all we had was a cartoon channel that was only able to afford cheap old anime series and that was basically all we were able to watch until later on when I was introduced to other cool channels like:
But I still liked anime and manga and liked to draw it from time to time. It's sorta like Disney! When you watch the movies later on when your older and you're inclined to dislike some of the movies because they're not that good when you re-watch them or maybe you think there's some bad message in it for the kids, you just can't do it! Because it's already a part of your childhood and it brings you back good memories of family and friends!
That's what anime/manga is to me in a weird sort of way I guess? Except we were also able to watch Disney on VCR, so we weren't THAT much deprived (You can thank five childhood years of Mulan, the Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Tarzan, Lion King and Treasure Planet for not turning me into a COMPLETE annoying anime/manga fangirl)
But I would pick Manga over Anime any day since some of the japanese animation is pretty crappy.
2. C & C food!
I don't know why, but I've recently been going on a food munching rampage (And I mean full on pacman-pigging-out-on-cherries-as-if-he-was-being-chased-by-ghosts food munching rampage!) and I have found myself eating some very strange dishes...
And by strange, I think this picture shall suffice the full meaning of my statement:

( does not necessarily mean I am an 11th doctor fan!)
And by strange, I think this picture shall suffice the full meaning of my statement:
( does not necessarily mean I am an 11th doctor fan!)
To put it in a nutshell, any food that begins with a C, will taste delicious with ANOTHER kind of food as long as it begins with a C as well! According to the logic of my taste buds...
It all began when my friend introduced me to custard and I tasted it for the first time. Naturally, it was very awesome and jokingly asked my friend if there were any fish fingers, to which she replied with a blank stare (honestly! Can't imagine why she wouldn't take my question seriously!). As epic as the custard was, I couldn't help but feel like there was something missing...
And then I laid eyes on a certain packet that sat on my friend's kitchen counter:

One thing led into another and in the end invented the soon-to-be famously worldwide dish of Crackers and Custard!
This was just the beginning of a whole LOAD of weird mixtures (* Words beginning with 'CH' count!) :
It all began when my friend introduced me to custard and I tasted it for the first time. Naturally, it was very awesome and jokingly asked my friend if there were any fish fingers, to which she replied with a blank stare (honestly! Can't imagine why she wouldn't take my question seriously!). As epic as the custard was, I couldn't help but feel like there was something missing...
And then I laid eyes on a certain packet that sat on my friend's kitchen counter:
One thing led into another and in the end invented the soon-to-be famously worldwide dish of Crackers and Custard!
This was just the beginning of a whole LOAD of weird mixtures (* Words beginning with 'CH' count!) :
Cucumbers & Cake,
Cappuccino & Cantaloupe,
Carrot & Caramel,
Caviar & Cheese*,
Chickpeas & Chips, etc.
So, if you are invited over at my place for a NOT be surprised if you are given a side plate of crackers with a custard dipping!
(to be continued in part 2)
Hey, I nominated you for The Liebster Blog Award