Wednesday 21 October 2015

A Message to My Friend (it's rantin' time~!)

Did you all miss angry Jojo? Well despair no more because I am back with a vengeance!
(although this might be shorter than my other rants...sorry haha)

What shall I be ranting about today? Two words:
Alcohol. Culture.

Now, before some high strung people rage at me with stuff like: "Oh my gawd, you're such a hater! Just 'cause you're such an angel doesn't mean you have to judge us just 'cause we wanna have some fun! It's our choice if we wanna drink alcohol or not, OHMIGAWD GO AWAY!" (a person actually defended themselves in this manner by the way, so I am technically not exaggerating) Let me explain a few things:

Numero Uno: No, I am not saying this on behalf of any religion; I am simply expressing my own personal views on the matter from what I have seen and experienced so far in my life with people who drink alcohol and alcohol in general.

Number duex: To answer the sarcastic remark: "Oh, like you have NEVER drank alcohol before, stop acting like such a saint!" I reply with no, I actually never have. Again, I shall state that I just do not find it appealing and my religion wouldn't even have to play a factor in it whatsoever.

Number twee: (MOST IMPORTANT - WARNING!): This message is not to my readers by the way. I have a friend whom I have been feeling very concerned for recently and lately she has been ignoring my attempts to contact her because she claims that I have been "out of line" and that it isn't "my business" what she decides to do to her body when we are chilling. So, I am writing this to her and I'm sorry, but this will contain swear words and controversial topics because I have been feeling so FRUSTRATED with her that I am just gonna let it all out. I'm sorry, I know I don't usually do this, but oh well.

So without further ado, let's begin: (By the way buddy, you'll know it's you I'm talking to when you're reading this.)

To My Dear Friend: Why I hate Alcohol Culture

First of all, I find alcohol itself to be disgusting. Maybe that view is really exaggerated considering I never tried it before, so let me try this again: I find the beverage to be pointless and degrading. I'm not even going to dedicate an entire paragraph to how many health risks it causes because if you haven't even heard of any of them by now and you're still drinking, then you are just an irresponsible doofus who shouldn't even be allowed to drink it before looking them up. Ignoring the fact that it causes heart disease, depression, seizures, liver damage, it's even been proven to have an influence to the cause of cancer. So yeah...if you still don't get why I don't find it appealing health-wise, it ain't my fault at this point. Probably just the weird conceptions people have nowadays of "healthy".

And I'm sorry, but I don't get how when you become a teen or when you hit a certain age, drinking alcohol and making shitty decisions is considered a tradition that you have to do as a part of "growing up". I also don't get how in a lot of countries (the one you're in included), sometimes one of the main compulsories to have in a party is alcohol and that everybody's life goal is to get completely "smashed" at least once in their life. I'm sorry but I just don't. And if you're gonna tell me that it's just your idea of "fun" and that I've just got some holy stick shoved up my ass, then bitch allow me to take off this stick of righteousness and shove it up your poop-shoot in hopes that I'll shove it so far up that maybe some morals might sink into your beer-dipped brain cell!

And you know what I hate most in general? Including the fact that it gets you so drunk, I am afraid of waiting for somebody to tell me one day that you're in an emergency room; and that it gets you so drunk, I'm terrified of the day that I hear you got raped; and that it gets you so drunk, you'll fail all of your classes at this rate; what I hate the most is how you nowadays seem to use it as an EXCUSE for you and your friends to be complete ASSHOLES and sometimes borderline violent to people around you. Look, buddy, I know you wanna have your fun, but there is A FUCKING LIMIT! To what you can pass off as "just having fun" and to what we consider as you crossing the line. I hate how people can be so inconsiderate to their loved ones around them and just not giving a flying fuck about how they are hurting them especially when they are practically knocking off the years in their life spans, like it's some fucking game of Jenga and when they finally bring the whole thing down, they don't care where or how they'll end up in the end.

*ahem* Uh, okay. Now time for me to clarify.
I understand that people go through hardships, completely dark chapters in their lives and they want to get away from it all and I completely understand that. I'm not that naive; I acknowledge sometimes people see alcohol as a method of escapism so that just for some hours of the day they can get away from some of the pain (believe me, I've experienced some of it). For those who got offended by my aggressive tone still, I'll generalize my point before I end this rant: I get that when you are young, you're influenced by your friends to just have fun and just take a sip, there's no harm. And I get if you're just one of those people that never get to that extent of "completely hammered" and just sometimes take alcohol for its flavor, I won't hold it against you. As long as you ain't hurting anybody (else), I'm not one to stop you. You believe in your philosophies, I'll believe my own and I'm gonna let you do you. I just don't see the purpose of getting completely drunk during the weekends and risk your safety in so many ways just to shout stupid stuff at somebody's window or finally get a quickie in some neighbor's closet.

And with that, I'll end my point with website article that finally encouraged me to write this up for my friend and I wrote a sentence partially based on one of the points made on it (you'll find it on the page):

 Sorry for people who found me too aggressive in this rant. Again, this is just a message for my friend, NOT intended to offend anybody out there. And apologies for the RIDICULOUSLY bad grammar I used in this rant, haha! I just had no control by the time I wrote the first paragraph.

Anyways, hope you at least enjoyed some aspects of this post,
And I hope to come back writing something positive at least! Haha
Have a nice day and PEACE!

Tuesday 25 August 2015


So, haven't written in a while, I know! So, um, for once I'm not going to write something rant-y and just...write whatever spews out of my head I suppose! Haha. (Ugh, I really don't like that word...'spew'...just reminds me of something disgusting and icky that would splurt outta somebody's ears or nose...Ugh...'splurt'...Both of those words sound gross anyways!)

ANYWAYS! (Before I digress even further, haha!)

Um, I figured I might as well write a paragraph to sum up my 2015 summer! Just well, to write really and just let off some steam!

Well first off, got introduced to loads of anime by some of my friends which they all asked me to watch and I mean LOADS! And 90% I didn't even bother to watch. If some of you are wondering "Ohmigod Jocelyn you're such a b$%ch! Why would you ignore your friends when their offering advice to you! Ohmigod, that's just mean!"; allow me to respond with the common exclamation:

 Along with what I responded to the girls who recommended me all those animes:

But some of them I was glad I was introduced to! For example Kekkai Sensen was awesome-sauce! It's kind of a dystopian-themed anime...? But a much more comedic theme and the art is just amazing and so is the animation! Problem is? ... A second season is not confirmed. Which sucks.

Also, tried out poetry and freestyle rapping! Which both sucked, but it was fun going through the interesting genres! I mean, I never really took rap seriously since I always had a vision of some high snoop dogg and an angry, abusive Chris Brown and Kanye rapping about love and bouncing gluteals.

But finding out more about freestyle rap... I give respect to whoever can do it! Because believe me when I say that It. Is. Hard! (that's wut she sed) Honestly, I don't know HOW people can just randomly pull out perfectly structured eloquent rhymes off the top of their heads like that! Hence  why I couldn't really succeed in attempting to do it with my friends...he he. But! I managed to learn how to sing all of the rap verses of 'Alphabet Aerobics' (still having trouble with the 'W' verse...grr!), 'Bust a Move', 'I need a doctor' and the first...third? and kind of the fourth verses of 'Rap God'. Don't even bother asking me if I can rap the fast verse because we all know the answer to that...

Anywhoots! Poetry!

Poetry was...


I mean, if I'm bored on a plane and there's a book, I definitely wouldn't mind reading some poems! It's just that I had to endure an entire year of studying them academically can imagine how "eager" I was to the idea of reading them again.

But it's just that other than the classics and the old ones (e.g. the Goblin Market, oh that one is so good!) ... the ones I find online either confuse me, scare me or just don't interest me as much. On DeviantArt most of them are about self-harm and depression, which is a totally legitimate way of expressing such emotions, I'm not hating! But you sort of get tired of seeing those kinds of stuff the 50th time in a row...

I would write more bored halfway through, ha ha! Plus it's pretty late over here so I'm gonna have to get off soon, but I'll probably write a juicy rant soon enough!

See ya then!

Buh Bye and have a good day/evening/night/morning!

Wednesday 13 May 2015

My Dream Soundtrack For Guardians of the Galaxy 2

Now, for those of you who know me personally would know that first and foremost that I am a HUGE Guardians of the Galaxy fan. Not just of the movie (that I would rant about for hours how I just knew that it would be awesome AND that Groot and Rocket would be the most favorite characters in the film THREE FREAKIN' YEARS before it came out and how nobody believed me but I am digressing...), but I read the comic books as soon as I found out about the franchise and it was love at first glance!
So naturally, me being a huge fan of Guardians, I am REALLY excited for the sequel and I completely trust James Gunn to do another great job! (I don't think Mr. Gunn would ever stumble across this, but just in case: PLEASE can we have more Groot dancing? You're moves were the very definition of graceful swagness.) But I have been listening to some of my oldies music recently and then it suddenly hit me: "Huh... wonder what the soundtrack would be for Awesome Mix Vol. 2 ?"
And idea bunnies galore hit my brain a million miles per hour. So, before anybody does this before me, I wanted to write down my wish list/ mini-prediction list of what I dream for in the Awesome Mix Vol. 2 from all of the old hit wonders that I love to listen to!
One other point I should add in; for some artists, there are just SO many songs that they have done that I want in the next volume, that I just ended up with only writing the Artists' names I instead of all the songs from them.
These are the songs I want, not in any particular order:

1. Earth Wind and Fire

Okay, am I the only one who can actually imagine this happening? I cannot even begin to describe the ridiculous amount of times that I was crazily (and badly) dancing to 'Boogie Wonderland' or 'September'; These guys were practically a part of my childhood (with a little help from Happy Feet, not going to lie... ahem..)!
Their songs have just got that funky rhythm that is kind of similar to the tune that that flowed throughout the first Guardians, but at the same time brightly unique in it's own way! Not going to lie, did have a weird day dream of Groot waving a phone to 'After the Love is Gone'. So yeah, I REALLY want to see it happen and if it does; I TOTALLY CALLED IT!
I know I already names these songs, but the ones I want to hear from them mainly are the popular ones such as:
  • 'Let's Groove Tonight' - 1971
  • 'Boogie Wonderland'- 1971
  • 'September' - 1971
  • 'After the Love is Gone' - 1971
  • 'Love's a Holiday' - 1977/6?
Oh! And I'm not sure if the next Vol is going to have music specific to the 60s maybe? I don't really know, but if it is... you know what? I honestly couldn't care less, I'm just making a wish list really then.

2. Footloose

Come on! COME ON! You cannot SERIOUSLY think I would NOT add this song into my list! I don't think I even have to explain myself here; it's a fun song, everybody who's got arms and legs can dance to it and don't even bother denying that you can't imagine Christ Pratt just dancing his a** off to this!
Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie as well! I watched it as a child once when it came on TV and ever since then , I never watched it until last year when I finally found out the title of the film (Again, English isn't my first language, so there's the explanation to the annoying people that might message me with the usual comments of 'Oh my gawd, how could you have like not know what footloose was like, oh my gawd!).
So, to summarise:
Nostalgia factor? Check!
Catchy song and tune? Check!
Hilarious boogying factor? Check!
Perfectly suitable for the film and characters? Check and Check!

3. Stevie Wonder

Why Stevie Wonder? Because again, his songs were a part of my childhood and I still love them to this day. Not only do I think it would be suitable for the film, but I honestly think that everybody in the audience would love the catchy tunes of his songs!
Some of them including:
  • 'Superstition'- 1972
  • 'I wish'- 1976
  • 'I just Called to Say I Love you' - 1984
And uh.. I checked, True to Your Heart wouldn't fit in since it was released in 1989. Sad times.

4. Jackson 5 - Who's Lovin' You

Yeah, yeah, I know: "Uh, they've already got a Jackson 5 song in there!" But this is just another song that I liked from them and just peeping it in there in hopes of it maayyybbbee getting in there anyways. Besides, the vocals in that song are fantastic! I just couldn't leave it out of the list.
So, it's at this point where I am too lazy to explain every song that I put up, so I'll just write the artists' names, including the songs that I want; although I'll add in the pictures just in case people don't know them or forget who they are!
Enjoy the rest of the list!

5. Wham! - Wake me up before you Go Go


6. Queen

(And if you don't recognize them yet from this picture, then you've been living under a rock.)
  • 'Don't Stop me Now' - 1978
  • 'Bohemian Rhapsody' - 1975
  • 'We are the Champions' (I mean, really, why would I NOT put this song in, Amiright? ;) ) - 1977
  • 'We will Rock You' - 1977

7. Eagles - Hotel California


8. The Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian

(1985 - Hmm... Meh, I still say it counts considering Starlord gets abducted in 1988.)

9. Bob Dylan

  • 'Blowin' in the Wind' - 1963
  • 'Mr Tambourine Man' - 1965
  • 'Knockin' on Heaven's Door' - 1973

10. Cream  - Sunshine of Your Love


11. Deep Purple - Smoke on the Water


12. Jefferson Airplane - Somebody to Love


13. Dirty Dancing - (I've Had) The Time of my Life


14. The Weather Girls - Rainin' Men


15. Grease - 1978

  • 'Summer Nights'
  • 'You are the One that I Want'
  • 'Greased Lightnin'

16. LIPPS INC - Funky Town


17. Joan Jett - I love Rock n' Roll


18. Bon Jovi - Halfway There


19. Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar on Me


20. Guns and Roses - Sweet Child of Mine


21. Bonnie Tyler  - I need a Hero


22. Elvis Presley

  • 'Jailhouse Rock' - 1968
  • 'Blue Suede Shoes' - 1956
  • 'Hound Dog' - 1969
  • 'Suspicious Minds' - 1969
  • 'Heartbreak Hotel'- 1972
  • 'Burning Love' - 1973
  • 'Devil in Disguise' - 1975
  • 'I Need Your Love Tonight' - 1975
  • 'Rubberneckin' ' - 1969
And that's the majority!
Honestly, I would add some more hits that I loved from the 80s and 70s but I figured this long-a** list was ... well, long enough for you guys as it was. And not going to lie, this list was mainly for fun purposes and if any of the songs DO happen to go into the second film that are on this list...
Haha, Anywhoots! I'll try to blog more! Although I can't promise anything because of exams... sigh! But, thanks for staying tuned and until the next blog,
See ya later~!